Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Up the garden path

Wouldn't you like to take a stroll through one of these gorgeous gardens?

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Love the geometric shape of this path, contrasting nicely with the luscious green gardens and the magnificent trees. Very cool, calm and collected.

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Or how about this lovely gravel path, meandering through beautiful borders, leading to... hmm... I wonder what's around that corner. Always a good idea to design a garden so that you can't see everything at once.

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Why not paint the garden fence a funky colour that goes beautifully with the flowers in your garden and let the path lead straight up to something significant like a statue or this carved stone plaque. 

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Mmm... I hope they used a scented creeper to create this pattern. It's not such a long path, but your eye follows the lines the creeping plants create, making it seem longer. I wonder if they played with perspective by making each 'circle' just a bit smaller going towards the lawn...

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A sweet little path in the dappled shade. Love the birdbath and the plant colours against the siding colour of the house. Very nice.

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This lovely river of gravel, meandering through the soft pink, purple and green of the plants (I just love Verbena bonariensis, the tall purple flowers in the borders) leading up to a cute little place to sit and enjoy your garden and your tea, or wine if the choice is up to me.

Red or white?

posted by C